
The Message of Amos: The Day of the Lion is unavailable, but you can change that!

Amos observes the society in which he lived and worked. Affluence, exploitation, and profit motive were the most notable features everywhere. Standards were being compromised. People were despising authority and the rule of law. National leadership, while reeling in publicity and dignity of position, seemed to be contributing to the complete breakdown of law and order. J. Alec Motyer exposes and...

When we examine this list of broken relationships we find that it is not a haphazard collection of charges but a carefully-structured statement. Six nations are brought under review. In the cases of the first two (1:3–5, 6–8) nothing is stated except the fact of gross cruelty; the next pair, however, strike a rather different note in linking themselves together by the word ‘brother’ (1:9, 11); and the final pair, associated as they are by the contrasting ideas of destroying the future (as represented
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